This painting is currently hanging at the DaSilva Gallery in New Haven. The last day of the show is Sunday, May 1st.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Eggshells and Pear
This is a painting completed quite a while ago-- not sure why I never got around to posting it. I do like the red background (note to self; try red background again).
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Black Jeans
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Lemon Slice
It is funny, on the last painting "Three Berries", I had intended for the overall tone to be more neutral, grayer. On this small painting, I managed to keep the background grayer but am thinking it might look better if it was bluer. I guess you do have to be careful what you wish for.
Thanks to everyone who encouraged/helped/attended or had anything else to do with the reception for "The Art of Everyday" exhibit at the DaSilva Gallery today. It was a wonderful event.